11 Plus Tutoring

We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.

11 Plus tuition

Are you looking for 11 Plus tuition that matches your child’s needs? Are you a student worried about the 11 Plus examination or you doubt your child’s preparedness for the 11 Plus examination if  your child will be able to perform well?

Do not make the mistake of working through a few books and hoping all will be well on the day. Team Scholars are very well experienced in 11 Plus exam. With help of Team Scholars your child will learn to master the difficult skills needed to excel in this exam.

For more details on how tutors at Team scholars can help with 11 Plus preparation, please call the office for a chat with one of our tutors, or contact us via our contact a tutor form.

Tutor focus

Our tutors will focus on developing a thorough student knowledge of the 11+ Maths and English syllabus, as detailed by the ISEB, alongside the exposure to verbal and non-verbal reasoning. The key content will be rooted in Key Stage Two of the National Curriculum.

Tutoring for 11 Plus (covers GL and CEM Boards)

GL (Granada Learning) Exam Board and CEM (Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring) Exam Board

When should students start preparing for 11 Plus?

It is normally recommended that students begin preparation 12– 18 months before the exams.

11 Plus Tutoring

Key information for the term 11 Plus entrance tests could relate to many different things and can be as follows

11 Plus Entrance Tests for State Schools :

Some students in UK state primary schools need to sit the 11 Plus exam for entrance to selective grammar schools. This tests English, Maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

11 Plus Entrance Tests for Independent Schools:

The majority of independent girls’ schools across the country start in year seven and applicants take 11 Plus exam in Year 6 to gain entry.

Pre-tests/ Pre-assessments

Students will need to take these age-standardised tests in year six/ seven as an entry assessment (usually alongside an interview) for many independent senior schools (U.K.). Schools could make conditional offers (subject to Common Entrance exams) at the end of year eight. The most popular pre-tests include the ISEB Common Pre-Test and school specific tests (for e.g. The Harrow Test and Eton List Test).