A Level
Current science subjects offered – Biology and Chemistry
Our qualified teaching professionals and experienced tutors will support learners online by
- Responding to pupils’ queries
- Providing subject matter expertise
- Initiating learning activities online for individuals (or groups of) pupils
- Using frequent low-stakes class assessments, informal observations of pupils, group discussions
- Promoting peer-assessment/ self-assessment (where relevant)
- Using formative assessment to check that thinking has changed in the long-term
- Providing high-quality feedback to tasks submitted, informally or as part of formal assessment(s)
Our tutors will aim to follow the seven practical evidence based recommendations that are relevant to all pupils, but particularly to those struggling with science:
- Build on the ideas that pupils bring to lessons (Preconceptions)
- Help pupils direct their own learning (Self-regulation)
- Use models to support understanding (modelling)
- Support pupils to retain and retrieve knowledge (Memory)
- Use work based on practical's and as part of a learning sequence (recap practical work where required)
- Develop scientific vocabulary and support pupils to read and write about science (Language of Science)
- Use structured feedback to move on pupil's thinking (Feedback).
- Deliver appropriately timed feedback that focuses on moving learning forward.